Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Why Bisexual Erasure Still Happens (And Why It Needs to Stop)

 Bisexuality Does Not Mean Confused and it's Certainly Not A Stepping Stone 

Bisexual people are constantly facing misconceptions. From "just a phase" to "picking a side," these stereotypes are hurtful and wrong. Let's break down why websites like BiLatinMen.com, which has "Bi" in it's name and uses these less than desirable terms and language in many of the stories they produce. They even go as far as to infer that bisexual men are bitches and are not real men and need to do better.

Bisexuals: Are Not Confused or Going Through a Phase

In a world striving for LGBTQ+ acceptance, bisexual individuals still face a unique kind of invalidation. Being attracted to more than one gender comes with its own set of challenges, and chief among them is the constant barrage of misconceptions.

One of the most common issues is the idea that bisexuality is a stepping stone to being gay or lesbian, or simply a phase of exploration. This not only erases the very real experiences of bisexual people, but also implies that same-sex attraction is somehow less valid than heterosexual attraction.

The "Who's the Man, Who's the Woman?" Fallacy

Another misconception is the focus on gender roles within a bisexual relationship. Questions like "who's the man" and "who's the woman" not only reinforce outdated gender stereotypes, but also completely miss the point. Bisexuality is about attraction to people, regardless of their gender identity.

The Irony of BiLatinMen.com

It's particularly baffling to see websites with "Bi" right in their name perpetuate these stereotypes. BiLatinMen.com, for example, by asking questions about masculinity or femininity within a relationship, reinforces the very ideas that being bisexual challenges.

Here are a couple of possible reasons why this might happen:

  • Lack of Awareness: Sometimes, these missteps come from a simple lack of understanding about bisexuality.
  • Profit Over Representation: Focusing on outdated tropes might be seen as a way to attract a wider audience, prioritizing clicks over accurate representation.

Bisexuality: A Simple Definition

Bisexuality is simply the attraction to more than one gender. It can manifest in countless ways, with varying degrees of attraction towards different genders. Bisexual people can be in relationships with men, women, or non-binary individuals.

Words Matter: Let's End Bisexual Erasure

The constant microaggressions and misconceptions bisexual people face can be incredibly hurtful. Words like "confused" or "not picking a side" are not just inaccurate, they're dismissive and harmful.

Let's break down these stereotypes and create a world where bisexuality is understood and respected. Remember, the "bi" in bisexual doesn't stand for "bifurious" or "bisexual but not really." It stands for bi, meaning attraction to more than one gender. Let's all strive to use our words accurately and treat each other with respect.

Here’s The Bottom Line: Bisexuality Is Real & Valid

 A little education goes a long way. Look up bisexuality on reputable LGBTQ+ websites. Talk to your bi friends (if you're lucky enough to have some!).

Words matter. The next time you feel the urge to ask a bi person who "plays" which role or dismiss them or demand they pick one over the other, take a pause. Maybe you should just say "congratulations" on their relationship, or ask about their partner - you know, like you would with anyone else.

Let's celebrate the beautiful tapestry of human attraction. Bi folks deserve to be seen, understood, and respected for who we are – multifaceted, vibrant individuals with hearts that love whoever lights them up.

 Standing Together: Fighting For The Same Rights

It's true that there can be a frustrating hypocrisy within the LGBTQ+ community itself, particularly around bisexuality. Some gay or lesbian individuals who fight passionately for acceptance from society can struggle to extend that same understanding to bisexual people. This can manifest as microaggressions, open hostility or even ending the friendship.

This contradiction can be rooted in a few places. One reason might be a lack of education or awareness about bisexuality as a valid sexual orientation. Misconceptions like bisexuality being a "phase" or not a "real" identity can be pervasive. Another reason could be internalized homophobia, where someone feels the need to distance themselves from anything that might be seen as less "gay" or "lesbian" enough. This can lead to a kind of gatekeeping within the LGBTQ+ community.

The important thing to remember is that true liberation for the LGBTQ+ community requires solidarity and acceptance for all identities under the rainbow umbrella. Bisexual people are not a threat to the gay rights movement; they are part of it.

#bisexuality, #GBTQ+, #BiLatinMen.com, #biphobia, #bisexual erasure, #sexual orientation

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