Monday, February 26, 2024

Content Creators Criticizing Other Content Creators

Harsh Words From Brandon & Julian On The Wild Podcast

Brandon Cardoso and Julian Barboza

I was watching a podcast yesterday and was shocked by some of the things I heard them saying. They speak as if they are veterans that are well known. They sound and come off more arrogant than anything else. They referred to other performers as being busted. Both of them are no strangers to social media and / or creating content. You may remember Brandon was a part of Rax Club, which has been accused of questionable tactics. Julian had a very public breakup with his ex-girlfriend Rosa and suffered some backlash for the way he managed it. Certainly! As a beginner in any field, it's essential to approach your work with humility and respect. Here are some valuable insights for newbies:


The Art of Humility: Learning from the Experienced

1. Understand Your Novice Stage

When you're just starting out, you're in the novice stage. Like a fledgling bird, you rely on clear instructions and recipes to navigate your way. Recognize that seasoned professionals have already weathered this stage and have honed their skills over time. Embrace your novice status and be open to learning.

 2. Avoid Criticizing the Experts

 It's tempting to critique those who've been in the game longer. Perhaps you've spotted inefficiencies or think you have better ideas. However, openly criticizing experienced content creators can create a hostile environment. Instead, look to understand their perspectives. They've likely encountered challenges you haven't yet faced.

 3. Learn from Their Wisdom

You can learn a lot from experienced professionals. They have gained a wealth of knowledge through their journey. Talk to them, ask them questions, and listen attentively. Their insights can help you grow faster. Don't forget, they were also beginners once, and their expertise is the result of their journey.

 4. Collaborate & Build Bridges

Rather than bad-mouthing, collaborate. Share your fresh ideas while respecting their established methods. A harmonious set benefit everyone. You'll gain allies, learn faster, and contribute positively to the team.

 5. Focus on Self-Improvement

Channel your energy into self-improvement. Instead of criticizing others, critique your own work constructively. Seek feedback, learn from mistakes, and adapt. The path to mastery involves continuous learning and refinement.

 6. Celebrate Their Success

When seasoned colleagues achieve milestones, celebrate with them. Their victories don't diminish your potential. In fact, their success paves the way for yours. Learn from their achievements and use them as inspiration.

 7. Cultivate Professional Relationships

Networking matters. Build genuine relationships with experienced creators. They can offer mentorship, guidance, and opportunities. Remember, they were once where you are now.

 8. Acknowledge Their Journey

No one becomes an expert overnight. They put in a lot of effort, commitment, and perseverance. When you appreciate their journey, you respect their achievements and also inspire your own learning.



 As a beginner, choose kindness over criticism. Respect the path others have traveled, and you'll find yourself on a rewarding journey toward expertise. Remember, the road to mastery is paved with humility, collaboration, and a willingness to learn.

 Remember, we all start as beginners in everything we do in our lives. Work on growing your skills individually and together with others. We're all new to something at some point in our lives. Let's learn together.


#Novice Stage, #Content Creators, #Brandon Cardoso, #Julian Barboza, #The Wild Podcast, #wildthingsvip



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